01 April 2009

BEDA Day #1

It's only day one, and already I'm having issues finding time to post these?! In my defense, I had appointments up in Denver right after school, and then had to eat. Actually, currently we're driving home-I'm typing this (slowly) on my BlackBerry. I hope to also make a quick vlog, but I might have to throw some pictures together. We'll see!

Anyway, it's snowing again. In April. Typical Colorado. Here in Denver it isn't awful, but we're driving to the Springs, which is certainly worse. I hate snow...*sigh* But, we do need the moisture, since there's already been a few fires this year. So, obviously, the snow is pretty notsome, so let's move on to the positive!

So, why is today awesome? I guess my best answer is that it's Fred & George's (Fred!!!! =[) birthday! And April Fool's day. And, of course, the start of this project! I'm excited, though I lm not sure how many people will read it...

Hmm...maybe I should at least TRY to be interesting. This isn't exactly new, but Jo Rowling and Michelle Obama will be sitting next to each other at the dinner for the G20 summit! Jobama!! (just kidding) And, John and Hank are one of the keynotes at LeakyCon!! I'm super excited to finally get to meet them! Speaking of LeakyCon, let me know if you're going?

Mostly my day wasn't very exciting. My English teacher made us recite an oath not to criticize The Great Gatsby, which he's like obsessed with...hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to make a better post. If you read this, let me know in the comments so I have a reason to keep going with BEDA!

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