30 April 2009

The Attack of the Sheetle

So, it's the last day of BEDA. Today, I present you with a long and complicated story.

The Attack of Sheetle
On a lovely final day of April, a young girl was walking around her neighborhood, thinking about her homework she needed to finish and the epidemic of flu and balloons.* It was a beautiful day for once, which is an unusual happening in Colorado Springs in April. However, she had just taken a huge math test and was also freaking out about it and hoping her teacher accepted her homework a tad bit late.

So, this young girl was wandering around on a path, when she suddenly discovered a beetle and a sheep stumbling across her path.

Upon this, she remembered what everyone had been freaking out about at school and on the news and in the newspaper. In fact, her best friend seemed to know everything about it, and was panicking and spewing facts. What was the name though? ...............Oh, yes. Sheetle flu! More dangerous than the swine flu affecting Mexico, more dangerous than the avian flu, and immediately fatal. Well, not immediately, but in just a few short days, and she always liked to exaggerate. She quickly walked away from the beetle and sheep, trying to remember everything she could about sheetle flu.

It was a combination of sheep and beetles, obviously. The beetles gave it to the sheep, who could easily give it to humans just by passing very close to them. Quickly doing some math equations, involving vectors and matrices and derivatives, she determined that she had just barely missed the distance in which she could have caught sheetle flu from the sheep. She was safe for now, but just by a small margin.

She quickly walked on, trying to recall more about sheetle flu. What was it her friend had said in French class? Oh, yes! He had given her a paper clip stolen from the teacher, telling her that it would protect her from sheep infected with sheetle flu.** As I am sure you know, sheep were secretly trying to take over the world, and defeat their human oppressors.But, now the beetles have joined with the sheep, to cause a cruel and brutal end to the human race. Panicking, she pulled out her paper clip, hoping it would protect her even further if it was actually in contact with her skin.....

Then, as she was nearing her home, she passed a yard full of dandelions, and another flashback of knowledge came to her. DANDELIONS WERE A SIGN OF PLACES INFECTED WITH THE SHEETLE FLU. And this yard was full of them. She stared in horror at the lost house, and then quickly ran away towards home to find some help.

She ran through her door, and upstairs to her cell phone,where she dialed Hank Green. Even though Hank had no clue who she was, Hank could fix everything with his amazing powers of awesomeness and songwriting. Hank quickly agreed, and rushed over from Montana, to save the state of Colorado, all the way singing, "What Would Captain Picard Do?"*** It took Hank only a few hours to quarantine and heal the infected people by replacing them with awesome, and to remove all the infected sheep and beetles from the town.

The girl hugged him and thanked him for saving her beautiful town, and immediately invited him to dinner at her house. The whole town had a celebration in honor of Hank, and she went to bed thinking of the amazing awesome**** Hank. When she woke up, she saw Hank's plane flying back to Montana, and knew that everything was right in the world again.

Okay, two more quick parts.
One: Awful math test =( I only missed 8 points, which isn't bad especially for Mr. Perry's test, but...well, it was annoying. And confusing. *sigh*

*streamers* *crying* *balloons exploding* *sobbing* *handing out of BEDA cake* *sits in a corner, wondering what will happen now*

As you can tell from that, I don't really know how to feel about this. I mean, part of me is very happy, because I actually accomplished the task of blogging every day, and it was a lot of fun. I feel like we should have a huge BlogTV party or something, complete with dancing and cake and streamers and fireworks and the handing out of signed copies of Suite Scarlett.

On the other hand, I am quite sad. I had so much fun doing this! I mean, I'm going to keep blogging, especially now that I have gotten into the swing of things, and I think that my blogging has improved.***** And I've met so many awesome friends through this, from all over the world, and gained a bazillion inside jokes. Oh, and I gained a tiny little monkey. And I'm scared that everyone will go away after today, and not come back. Which would be incredibly sad, because I would miss my friends!

How does everyone else feel about the ending of BEDA? Happy? Sad? Confused? Indifferent? COMMENT!
However, I did wear my "party socks" in celebration of today.******

So, congratulations on surviving BEDA! We need to make shirts or something for everyone! Or, we could just all go buy ourselves a copy of Suite Scarlett in paperback!


*Why balloons? Who knows!!!!!!! Because she's random that way.
**Just as in real life, my life is worth more than my French teacher's. *wink*
***That's the song Hank was singing on BlogTV while I was writing that section of the story
****Because I have no other word choice, apparently
*****What do y'all think? Has my blogging improved? Am I at all funny? Or do you just read my blogs and lie about how much you like them. LEAVE THE TRUTH IN THE COMMENTS.
******Those aren't actually my party socks. Although, if y'all like them, they might become them. I think they are VERY festive.

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