25 December 2007
Happy Holidays!
Happy Yule, Christmas, Hannakah, Kwanzaa, whatever. And, to quote GalleryCast, "if you believe nothing, Happy day." :)
Well, so I opened most of my presents on Saturday, cause that was Yule, my religious winter holiday. Then, we opened the presents from my aunt and uncle on Monday because we always go up to Denver or Winter Park to visit them. And I got the presents from my mom today. Just in case the incredibly small amount of people who read this want to know, this is what I got:
Books (yes, all of which were on my list): The Jungle Book, The Importance of Being Earnest, Wind in the Willows, Watership Down, Anna Karenina, Great Expectations, Wickett's Remedy, Peter and the Starcatchers, and Wife in the Fast Lane.
HP Merchandise: The Psychology of Harry Potter (amazing book), DA sketch shirt, Harry Potter Gryffindor shirt, Order of the Phoenix DVD, and HP calendar
Other: money, Wet Seal Gift card, Gilmore Girls Season 7 on DVD and a few repeat books that I'll return sometime and get different books or maybe a DVD or two
I am very happy with all of it. So, I hope y'all had an amazing holiday season...but it's not over yet! We still have New year to look forward too!
Much love!!!
16 December 2007
Oh, Happy Day!
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! OMG, the moment we've waited for for such a long time is here! JO is going to be on PotterCast! Isn't it just so amazing? :) I only wish I were John, Sue, or Melissa...
Huh, so that's the most exciting thing that's happened in my life lately. I finished finals on Friday, and so far I have all A's. I'm still waiting for two of my grades to come back, but I'm pretty confident in them...I've mostly just sat around and read a lot since school ended for WINTER BREAK. Only 5 days until Yule, and still a blissful 17 days of freedom ahead of me!
Indeed. A very happy day, today is. :D
08 December 2007
Random Hary Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone thoughts...
Yep. I watched it today with the PC commentary, trying to avoid finals :D Here y'all go (and sorry for the huge lack of posting):
Random Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone movie thoughts
Oh, I love the Diagon Alley music. *gasp* C’est Hedwig! And, wow, doesn’t Gringotts look funny? Like the Leaning Tower of Pisa or something…Okay, I want all that money. Lucky, lucky Harry. 713, two vaults away from Sirius’. But it’s just a little package…VERY suspicious. *wink* Aww, ickle Danny: a wand. He sounds so adorable! Yeah, will Ollivander be back? He better, but I don’t recall seeing his name on the cast list. “After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, did great things. Terrible. But great.” Don’t die, Hedwig!!!!!! THE BOY WHO LIVED! *la gasp* Hermione...you're going to marry Ro-on!!!!!!!! Teehee. HUFFLEPUFF!!!!!!!!!! S.Q.U.E.E. Hah! Another Weasley, I know just what to do with you! LOL. Funny floating candles...WE GOT POTTER!!!!!!!! Aww, Harry and Hedwig. :) Oh, come on, Snape! Harry’s just taking notes! Bezoar—pay attention, Harry! It will save Ron’s life someday! Oh, wow, the ceiling of the Great Hall looks so cool in this movie! Ha! Fred got something from Mummy! LOL, I love Ron’s faces in this movie. Harry’s first time on a broom! SQUEE! And Ron’s hit him in the face. :) Poor ickle Neville… “What an idiot.” Bahahahahaha! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!! Harry caught the Remembrall. OMG, Wood. He’s so hot. The Grey Lady, wow. And, gasp, Hermione’s stalking Harry. “This is the third floor.” Woooood!!!!!!!! Seriously, I am in love with him. But you know, he held it in his hand in the movie. So that totally messes up the whole book seven plot. <_< LOL, Seamus’ hair. But poor ickle Hermione. Ron didn’t mean it, sweetie! He loves you! He’s gonna marry you! TROLL!!!!!!!!!!! “Thought you ought to know.” Seriously, who are half of these students? They’re so random! “I think the troll’s left the dungeon.” No doy, Ron. OMG Melissa—Shrek was cuter. Goodness. Oh, yes, Harry. Those ickle rocks are really going to help. *rolls eyes* Yes, Ron, COOL. Oh, wow, FIVE points. So amazing. Uh huh. Okay, this is one of my favorite lines: “I don’t really remember. I took a bludger to the head two minutes in. Woke up in the hospital a week later.” Alas, very comforting. I really love watching Quidditch though. And I’m glad they are leaving it in Half Blood Prince, cause I really wanted it in Order of the Phoenix. Angelina! See, why couldn’t they let her be captain? Hey, are you allowed to kick your opponents? Luna’s commentary better be in, and McLaggen. NO!!!!! Wood!!!! How sad. That should so totally be against the rules. I don’t think they are actually allowed to do that. Honestly, these stupid mean Slytherins. Angelina and Wood are trying to play fair and they aren’t even using talents, just being all intimidating. That broom stuff looks so uncomfortable and sickening…No wonder everyone thought he was puking when he got down. Alan Rickman looked particularly good looking when he flipped his hair off his face like that. Surfing on a broom…uh huh. Dan’s blue eyes still bug me. I mean, what are they going to do for the whole “look at me” scene? Will it just be that Lily had blue eyes? Urgh…why couldn’t Dan where contacts, especially now that he’s 18!? GO, GO, GRYFFINDOR! GO, GO, GRYFFINDOR! GO, GO, GRYFFINDOR! “That thing has a name?” “Shouldn’t have said that.” I love that about Hagrid. Snow! Hey, that’s like outside right now. In my town, anyway. (Note to self: an hour left in movie) “That’s totally barbaric.” Funny. I wouldn’t think an eleven-year old would say that, but it’s Hermione. I want a Weasley sweater. Or, better yet, I want to learn how to make one. Dear Harry: Here’s a Deathly Hallow. You deserve it. I don’t. I’m stuck with the f---ing Elder Wand. Sincerely, Dumbledore. LOL. OH, how creepy, it’s Harry’s arm just floating along there. I wonder if that filmy covering is really there in Harry’s view when he’s under the cloak. *crash* Filch: “You can’t hide!” Harry: “Yes I can, I’ve got this amazing Deathly Hallow. My daddy left it to me.” CRYSTAL!!!!!!!!!!!! =D No, Quirrell, you really don’t want Snape as your enemy. No one does. Oh, he flipped his hair again. So hot. *sigh* Filch is like…freakishly happy about that student out of bed thing. *gasp* C’est la Mirror d’Erised. Oh, wow, I love how they included the text in the movie exactly the way it was in the book. That makes me so happy. LILY!!!!!!!! JAMES!!! =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D It’s your mummy. You don’t remember me! Well, at leas the actors look like they could be Harry’s parents, despite the fact they are supposed to be 21, not like 35 or whatever age those actors are. “I look good.” Okay, Ron. Whatever. You don’t become Quidditch captain or head boy. Maybe if you’d gone back to school. Instead you go off chasing Horcruxes and become all emo and leave Harry and Hermione. But then you marry Hermione. And have two kids. And take a driving test. And……LOL, okay. Basically the mirror means NOTHING, Ron. Ha! “It does not do well to dwell on dreams Harry and forget to live.” I love that line. And I love Richard Harris as Dumbledore. He was so much better. HEDWIG!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! You’re gonna die. So many people use that flying in the snow scene in tribute videos for Deathly Hallows, and now it will forever make me cry. Wow, okay. Suddenly all that snow disappeared. Bahahaha, even at this age Ron and Hermione are arguing like the adorable, almost perfect couple they are. “We know about the Sorcerer’s/Philosopher’s Stone.” “Oh.” Norbert! Well, Norberta! Aww, isn’t the little dragon just so adorable? Granted, I’d never keep one as a pet, but I do have to admit they are incredibly cute. Just they could burn down my house. Or burn off my hair. So, yeah, not keeping one. Sorry Hagrid. “Qua!!!!” Of course McGonagall’s not gonna miss a chance to punish a Slytherin. Filch is PERFECT. Great acting. “Good god man, you’re not still on about that dragon are you?” “Yeah, but what if he don’t like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to him? He’s only a baby, after all.” Great interaction. Poor unicorns…they’re so pure and innocent, why would you want to kill one? Oh, yeah. You are evil and you want to live. And you lost all your Horcruxes. Harry, it’s Quirrelmort! That’s a hint! *pokes Harry hard in the back* Hint, hint!!!! I wonder if anyone ever counts this event as an escape from Voldemort. Well, probably not, since FIRENZE saved him. Huh, for 2001, those centaurs are pretty dang good. “You are safe now.” Uh, NO, he’s not. And he won’t ever be. “You don’t think he’ll try to kill you, do you?” NO, RON!? He’s not! *rolls eyes* Yeah, but, Hermione, Dumbledore won’t always be around. In fact, he is killed by Snape in just five years. And Harris dies next movie. How sad. (Note: I keep hearing sirens from Melissa’s in New York) “How often do you come across a three-headed dog?” NEVER, Hagrid. Oh, hey, it’s the Grey Lady again, I think! See, Hermione, Dumbledore’s gone! Hermione’s face…LOL. Dun, dun, dun. It’s Snape and he heard them talking about him… “*gasp* TREVOR!” What’s Ron holding right there? Oh, it’s the cloak, I think. Duh, Kat. *slaps self on head* Oh, they messed up Devil’s Snare, too. I mean, it’s okay and everything, but you weren’t supposed to relax. And it was fire, not sunlight. Oh, and they messed up the key scene, too. The keys didn’t attack Harry in the book, they were just really, really hard to catch. “Well, it was worth a try.” Yes, Ron, all those keys are there but a simple Alohamora will work. Right. Seriously, where does Harry get these nice Muggle sweaters from? “This complicates things a bit.” No, doy, Ron. Wow, that’s a lot of keys. “As for me, I’ll be a knight.” Go, Ron. This is one thing you are actually really good at! I really like the chess scene in the movie, it was done really well, even with the crappy 2001 special effects. “Yes, Hermione. I think this is going to be EXACTLY like wizard’s chess.” LOL. But Ron really played this game really well. He managed to play it so only he had to get hurt. But it is quite obvious that it would be difficult for one person to do this on their own. “No, you can’t!” I love you Ron, you can’t die! “Not me, not Hermione, YOU.” Oh, wow, look how scared Ron looks! Oh, no, Ron’s dead already. *rolls eyes* They left out Hermione’s scene, though. I loved that part of the book. “Books and cleverness. There are more important things. Friendship and bravery.” I agree. Harry’s walk down the steps was filmed really well. Amazing. Quirrelmort! “Tell the truth.” Just like in Half Blood Prince. Oh, that Voldemort face is creepy. That’s some powerful stuff there, offering to bring back his parents. “Alas. Earwax.” I love this: as long as you are going to be breaking the rules, do something Dumbledore thinks is cool so he’ll give you all the points so you can win the cup. Yes, Draco, Harry is a gazillion times better than you. Deal with it. NEVILLE!!!!! Probably the only points he ever won for Gryffindor! YAY! I love how Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are just happy that Slytherin didn’t win. Funny. Aww, baby Harry. “Dudley” I love how Hagrid said that. Aww, it’s over. How sad. Bye, Hagrid!!!!! Dooo dooodoodoodoodooooooo. (my attempt at theme music) LONG movie. I’ve been sitting in this chair for 2 and a half hours. *dies*
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